-Seminary starts at 5:50 and ends at 6:40.
-If you arrive during opening exercises that will be counted as a 'Late'.
-If you arrive once I start talking, it becomes a 'Tardy'.
-3 'Late' arrivals become a 'Tardy'.
-5 'Tardy' arrivals become an 'Absence'.
To earn credit for the year of seminary, you must have at least an 80% attendance rate. (If you need to know what your attendance is, let me know and I can find out from the Institute Director.)
For those "strong and brave"* that leave early for practice or for any other reason, you will need to make sure you come on time. If you are 'Late' and leave early, I will have to count it as a 'Tardy'.
Please note that starting in October the teacher's in-service day will be the first Friday of the month, so no seminary for the students on that day. This is a change from last year. Also, we realize that Pacifica will be having late start every Wednesday. Seminary will still be held at the usual time. You will be blessed for coming!
*Luke B. in reference to the water polo team.
You do realized that a student can be tardy for every class and still get a passing attendance. There are about about 170 days in class which means they can miss 34 days of class to get 80%. If 5 tardy's equal an absence then 5 * 34 = 170!!